Be sure to enable the save changes to: “machine library” option once saving your configuration. Select the nobuildzone.stl part you just saved. Go to your machine properties and under “Default Parts”, enable the no-build zones and click on “import part as zone”.Save the resulting part as nobuildzone.stl somewhere in a directory.

Evaluation in the PreForm software shall be required. You can start with a build volume of 160x160x290mm, but final dimensions depend on the material. Since each material has a slightly different rescale factor, your build dimension shall be slightly different per machine.Each material has a slightly different automatic rescale factor when importing parts in the PreForm software, hence this will already need to be taken into consideration when creating a new machine. Fuse 1+: Nylon 11, Nylon 11CF, Nylon 12, Nylon 12 GF and TPU 90A. Create a new machine for each Formlabs material (e.g.To prevent this from happening, a merge of all parts shall be required.įor Fuse1 machines in particular, you can perform the following steps: In case you would import files in PreForm that were prepared in Magics using for example the Sintermodule, you will notice that the imported parts would have changed position completely. The Formlabs PreForm software imports 3MF and STL files without taking into account position information.